Sunday, May 2, 2010

Revised - Blacksad

Blacksad is a unique and outstanding piece of comic literature. I found it be an excellent noir comic, though fast paced and not nearly as mysterious as it could have been. I am certainly not a person to have a problem with anthropomorphic critters running around doing the things that people do, and in the case of Blacksad, I think the adaptation of typecasting animalistic characters actually added to the enjoyability of the story. I feel that Blacksad would fall as a beautiful if routine noir comic if the characters were all human.

The style was beautifully done, especially compared to the art that normally makes up the furry world. The toned down watercolor provides an excellent feeling to the world that these furries live in. The approach to the comic allows for an excellent use of color, especially in the characters and, in a similar style to Sin City, the blood. The blood plays an important part in emphasizing the commonality of the races in the world, and fortunately, everyone in the story bleeds (at some point in time or another).

The sexuality and violence, things I'd consider quintessential to a noir novel were elegantly approached and executed. Further, the suggestion that a true human was the villain was truly ingenious. The suggestion via hands and body that the villain in this episode was a human being was a somewhat delightful slap in the face as humanity is suggested as the bane of the world. The reveal that it was an amphibian and that he was self proclaimed to be a “cold-blooded” bastard made it more delightful, for there are plenty of “humans” out there that could fit the bill.

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